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Nursery Pics!

Ok, so they aren’t much to look at, but any progress at all is still progress, right? Right.

Trimming in around the door frames/ceiling/baseboards. My mom did the cutting in while I painted the baseboards and door frames. The baseboards took THREE coats of white paint to cover. My thighs are killing me!

Close-up of the paint color. It looks a little too, uh, WHOA!blue in the first pic. It’s actually a very beachy color.
Yay! The walls are painted. The paint wasn’t dry here (at all, really) so the color is not correct (at all, really), but the walls are painted! YAYAY!

This is a picture that I took last night. Since there’s only the one lamp in the room and no natural light was coming in the window, you can’t tell what color the walls are at all. As you can tell from the massive amount of junk piled in the middle of the room, there’s a long way to go. Under there somewhere is another chair, part of the dresser, a book case, some of the left over flooring from our remodel, and other miscellaneous junk that was hidden in the closet. Fun times, I tell you. Fun. Times.

And, just for fun, Annie lovin’ on her Nana while her Nana had some coffee yesterday morning. The dog SERIOUSLY loves my mom (and my mom would KILL me if she knew I was sharing this first-thing-in-the-morning picture with the internets!) How do you like Annie’s ridiculous hair cut??

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