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Yep, even more pictures

So you’ve all read about my “I want to go shopping” meltdown from last weekend, right? DH got home from work on Friday night, and because I was in such a rotten mood, decided to take me to Target and Old Navy. He needed rain gear for the football game and I wanted to see what Black Friday sales Old Navy had. We found several cute outfits for Baby there, that DH finally let me buy, and then I bought some online for him, too. Those arrived today. So, here are the fruits of my depressed and lonely labors from last weekend:

The one that says “Little Man of the House” is my favorite!

On Saturday, after DH had driven all the way to the game, sat in the rain for most of it, watched our team lose, and driven all the way home, he still took me to the outlet mall so I could use my coupon. (He really is an awesome DH, even if he glares at me when I tell him I bought something else for Baby!) Everything in the store was half price! So many choices!! Here’s what I managed to sneak out of the store with (after paying, of course. I’m not a kleptomaniac. I just really like baby clothes.):

We like cars! They’ve sort of become our “theme” for Baby.

And doggies! We really like those, too.

Aren’t the feet of this frog sleeper just precious?

Yes, Mommy does love you, Baby!

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Monday 8th of December 2008

Cute clothes. Baby boy will be dressed in style.

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