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Indigestion is the DEVIL!

My mom, in her infinite, old-wive’s-tale wisdom, would say that this much indigestion means that the baby is going to have a head-full of hair. Seeing how this baby barely has any hair at all yet anywhere on its itty bitty body, I think she’s wrong. I am DYING here, kid! Ease up and let my food digest, or stop rejecting the Rolaids. They are called Rol-AIDS, meaning they are supposed to AID my digestion. A happy Mommy might give you more gelato and popsicles, and we know how you like gelato and popsicles. I will stop saying the “F” word and damaging your developing ears if you stop making me feel like I’m going to puke my burrito all over the living room. Deal??

The Chinese gender calendar says this baby is a girl. I say it’s a boy. DH, the wiseass 🙂, says both have a 50% chance of being correct. What do y’all say?

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Sunday 21st of September 2008

aww I hope SHE lets you up soon!

;) I think it's a girl

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