I’ve found some GREAT deals recently, so I’ve been buying some maternity clothing. I got three pairs of pants from Ann Taylor Loft for $36 (tax and all) and two dresses from Motherhood for under $20 each. Since I have to dress up every day, and since I teach high school students, I’m glad I’ve found such cute stuff. I also got a super cute outfit from the Gap that was on “sale,” meaning that it was on sale at the Gap but that the sale wasn’t really cheap.
I also got a Tummy Sleeve to help me wear my pants for a while. I know that it seems silly to be buying stuff right now, but the deals were almost too good to pass up. I also know that I won’t have much time over the next couple of weeks to shop for back-to-school stuff. (Yes, teachers do that too.)
I just hope that these purchases aren’t for naught. I still have the cramps, which I’m taking as a good sign, but I don’t really have what I’d call “morning sickness” yet. I’ve had some nausea, but nothing too bad. I know it’s early for symptoms, but not really having any makes me nervous.
EEK! I’m pregnant!! AGHHHH!!! (This is my excited scream!)