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Just a snapshot…

Bikini waxes hurt like the Devil.

FF gave me crosshairs (solid, not dotted) on Saturday morning. I’m now 4 DPO. I bought a two-pack of FRER (First Response, Early Response) tests to take in next weekend.

I finished my Master’s program on Saturday afternoon. My Capstone professor said that my pedagogy presentation was the best she’d seen in a long time. Now I just have to wait for graduation so that it’s all “final” and then I can get a raise.

DH and I managed to pack everything we needed for vacation and NOT fight about anything (except a minor tiff about his suitcase, which he got over quickly!).

WE ARE AT THE FREAKING BEACH RIGHT NOW (and yes, I’m a loser who is blogging from indoors instead of a winner sitting by the ocean)!! We’re waiting on M and L (who got back together when M decided new girl was too immature for him) to get here so we can go to dinner. K and J will be here at about 1am! J had to work until 6 today. The drinking has already commenced!

I’ll post pics later.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. –Ovid
He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul’s estate.–Henry David Thoreau

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